Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront
Time: March 6, 2014 from 4pm to 8pm
Location: Fair Haven Community Health Center
Street: 374 Grande Ave
Event Type: community
Organized By: Fair Haven Community Health Ctr
Latest Activity: Mar 12, 2014
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Fair Haven Community Health Center is organizing a health care enrollment event from 4pm to 8pm at Fair Haven Community Health Center, March 6 & 20, 2014.
“We are pleased to organize a health insurance enrollment event" Stephanie Aybar, FHCHC’s Certified Application Counselor said. “We want to get as many people as possible enrolled before the March 31st deadline. This is a great opportunity for Spanish speaking families because the majority of certified assisters are bilingual.”
Residents will have the opportunity to enroll in health care coverage and meet with bilingual certified assisters who can help enroll them in a plan. In order to complete the enrollment application at the fair, participants must provide the following information:
The health care enrollment event is free and open to the community.
Fair Haven Community Health Center está organizando un evento de inscripción para seguro médico de 4pm-8pm en la Fair Haven Community Health Center. Marzo 6 & 20, 2014.
Informó Stephanie Aybar, FHCHC Consejero de Aplicación Certificados,"Estamos muy contentos de organizar un evento de inscripción en el seguro médico. Queremos conseguir el mayor número posible de personas inscritas antes de la fecha límite del 31 de Marzo. Esta es oportunidad para las familias de habla español ya que la mayoría de los Consejeros de Aplicación Certificados o Asistentes personales son bilingües."
Los residentes tienes la oportunidad de inscribirse en el médico de salud y cumplir con los consejeros de aplicación certificados bilingües que pueden ayudarle a inscribirse en un plan. Completar la solicitud de inscripción en el evento, los participantes deben traer la siguiente información:
• Licencia de conducir o identificatión emitida por qobierno
• Tarjeta de Seguro Social
• 2012 Declaración de impuestos federal es para el año 2012 y W-2
• Si se trabaja , 2 talonario de pago
El evento es gratuita y abierta a la comunidad.
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eligiendo "Spanish".
El contenido, excepto los
archivos adjuntos, aparecerán en español.
Non-English speaking residents can read the content of this website by clicking on "Select Language" above and picking their preferred language. Once a language is selected all content with the exception of attachments will appear in that language.
Waterfront Living
Didi Strode / Olivia Martson
J &J Dominican Restaurant
244 Grand Avenue
475. 238. 8020
La Molienda Peruvian Restaurant
El Coqui Puerto Rican Restaurant
203. 562.1757 |
Salsa's Authentic
Mexican Restaurant
99 Grand Avenue
Once again Fair Haven Community Health Care has been recognized as a high achieving health center by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA), and has received the gold level designation. This places FHCHC in the top 10% of the 1,400 community health centers across the country and reflects our strong commitment to high quality clinical care. The full announcement can be found here.
We are proud and happy to have FHCHC as a community partner and a major employer in our community.
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