Chatham Square Association

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Are you eating well? I was poisoning my kids, and didn't know it!

I sent Lee this MSG on FB earlier this week... this is part of a convo that started around supporting school breakfast first blush and admirable cause, then you see what your kid gets....sugary cereals, whole cow's milk, and orange juice.... this may fill the kids bellies for a short while, but it is not going to give real nutrition, in fact those kids are gonna crash, only to be bumped up again at lunch w more starches and sugars and common allergens (we're all pretty much lactose intolerant).
If you're poor and that's the only food you get to eat....rubbish!
In response to my original rant posed the question what can we do to make new haven healthier....i have ideas no answers...systemic, vs individual... institutionalized...socialized....and federal red any rate the links and stuff are my original response.
FOOD equality and quality is paramount to the succes of our planet - there is no doubt of this in my mind. gabriela
EAT TO LIVE...this book was suggested to me, i have yet to pick it up, but here are some interesting links to the crux of it. in a nut shell: eating super foods. (kale, spinach, quinoa, etc)

from Eat to Live website (the marketing tends to be about losing weight...but i think that's a secondary positive side effect) Scoring foods - those with most nutrional and health benefits per bite/serving.

I really NEED to learn more about this stuff, bc i want to be able to better feed my family, try to tap into that ancient wisdom, and hopefully in the future even help other families....after what I have gone through with Brennan...well I'm thankful that something bad has turned into better health for all of us.....but i feel sad now when i see parents giving their kids bright orange mac and chz and how they feel bad for us that we can't eat goldfish....i thought i was a "good" mom by adding broccoli to mac n chz, and that by giving my kids an apple and a chz stick w their goldfish, that they were having a balanced snack. ....little did i know i was poisoning them.... supposedly celts, amerindians, and basques have higher levels of Gluten Sensitivity than other populations - my kids were genetically doomed! LOL.

hope all is well w you.
figured you'd want some info to possibly dig into since you posed the question - how do we make new haven healthier....

take care
Only by eating an assortment of natural foods that are nutrient-rich, can we access these compounds and protect ourselves from the common diseases that afflict Americans. Our modern, low-nutrient eating style leads to an overweight population with common diseases of nutritional ignorance and medical...

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