June 17, 2015 ~ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
The Mary Wade Home
- Welcome & Introductions: Mariam L, Branda B and Richard P, Lt Saclari and Matt Abbate (NHPD), Diane P, George M, Thomas B and Junior, Tracy G (MaryWade), Ian McC, Tim B, Nathalie B, Fereshdeh B, Andy T (MaryWade), Alycia S (CARE), Beth Hutton (Cityseed), Kathleen F, MaryAnn M, Martha Okafor.
- CARE: Yale School Public Health Report – Alycia
- Urban Walking Trail: walking trail. We reviewed design last month. There will be an update at the next meeting Re installation of the signs.
- Other CARE activities: There will be a focus group in each neighborhood. How have you worked with CARE? Stay tuned.
- Survey workers will be hired. Check out the web site for job application.
Interested in working with CARE? Contact: Alycia Santilli (203-785-7651)
- Economic & Community Development Christel\Diane\Nathalie
- Urban oasis, entrance to neighborhood at Middletown Ave. Work scheduled for every Thursday 5:30 to 7pm for the next 7 weeks. Will be working behind the fence to plant trees. Pix will be posted on columns. Permits have been obtained.
- Other URI projects in the neighborhood. Downing street, tree planting so far. Work scheduled every Friday Evenings 5:30- 7pm. (contact Carlos Galo if interest to help)
- Community Soup Night: 6/28, 5-7pm - Maggie & David - 210 Front St.
- Possible collaborations with NH Rotary head of American Medical Response. Could help with clean ups. Stay tuned. Mention to Anna Festa to push city officials to clean up corner of Clinton and Middletown Avenue, as AMR offered to maintain it.
- Other Eco. & Community Development activities: 3 Gastronomic tours in May!
- Fair Haven Forward: Business social at Nathalie’s house on June 15. To find ways to link people together to bring more robust business to community + residential development for all. Brought in brewers who are looking for a place to start a business. Restaurants, BNB, lots of ideas are brewing; groups are getting organized.
Interested in this work group? Contact Christel Manning
Interested in the Fair Haven Forward group? Contact Nathalie Bonafe or Diane Panasci
- Youth, Children & Families– Mary Ann\Sally
- Homework Club at Q Terrace: MaryAnn --- NA, school closing.
- Report on Community Gardens: MaryAnn\Nathalie. Partnership with Clinton Ave school about garden has been a great success. Grand Acres is doing fine. International Festival bike ride will visit Grand Acres this Sunday morning ~10 am.
Interested in this work group? Contact Mary Ann Moran
- Announcements\Report back on other activities\events:
- Mary Wade Parade was a huge success. Highlight: Award to Lt Johnson.
- Mary Wade Christmas bazaar: Getting organized for November so bring old things from home…for a white elephant event.
- Wilson Reyes to speak about his plans for a Grocery Store in the neighborhood- postponed until July.
- David Hunter, Mary Wade Home development plans, postponed till July.
- Strong School building Project (SPACe) Update Lee: It’s been 6 month since agreement. Asking for an extension.
- Exchange St. Block Party: Tom Burwell: June 27 12-6pm. Very exciting agenda.
- City Seed Farmer’s Market. Beth Hutton, Market manager. July 9-Oct 29. New jazz band at the market. Chris Randall’s photography. Lots of activities planned by Tom Burwell.
Interested in any of these activities contact Lee Cruz
- Finance Report- Laura\Lee: $11k in bank. Festival coming up in September.
- Special guest: Dr. Martha Okafor CSA, City of New Haven to speak about New Haven’s application for Promise Zone status and to get feedback from residents.
: City transformation Plan. Mayor Harp has called upon the New Haven Community to join together to promote New Haven as a City of Promise, Opportunity and Innovation. Tons of information about the process available on the web site. http://www.ctdatahaven.org/know/index.php/New_Haven_Promise_Zone_Main.
The discussion was structured as a Q & A. Everybody participated and offered feedback to Dr Okafor, as requested by her (data collection).
Stay tuned there will be at Community expo toward the end of July.
- Other announcements: International Festival 20th year!
- Police\Safety & Traffic– Darcia Siclari, FH District Manager (203-668-2218)
- Incident @ Ferry and Pine June 17. But overall, crime has been down 23%. Reminder: keep windows locked, increased burglary this time of year.
- Chatham Park: there has been reports of people drinking there? Pb has been addressed. Been quiet. No evidence of drug sale.
- Barbershops on Grand Ave. Both parties concerned should stay in, and should not solicit clients on the sidewalk. Both are going to the state over dispute.
- Motorbikes: Big difference with Bikes around Chatham Sq since Clinton school’s fence was been fixed, so better there. Bikes still running around.
- Homeless/drug problem at QRP corner of Front and Grand has disappeared.
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