Chatham Square Association

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My Dear Community,
I am embarrassed to admit that two days ago I was scammed by someone impersonating the IRS. I am working with my credit card company to retrieve the money I lost. However, I want to make everyone aware of this scam, especially as our tax season is coming to an end. Here is my story:
I recieved an official sounding voice message saying I needed to return the call before something goes wrong. It was a female's vocie, calling from 719-344-2781. When I called, I talked to an Xaiver Marshall IRM#49281 (Internal Revenue Member). After providing my name and address he told me that I owed $4682.12 in taxes and there was an arrest warrant in my name and legal action was being taken against me for the following 4 reasons : 1) Tax violation 2)Internal Revenue Code, Section 21.A of Chapter 13 3) Defrauding the gov 4)Willful misrepresentation according to 6331H. Xaiver told me these allegations were based on five mistakes that I made on my tax returns from 2011 to 2016 that were found via an audit. My options were fighting the arrest warrant with a civil lawyer or receiving an offer to compromise. The compromise was only available if I kept this matter confidential. My case number was: 2:469-NV-7261 and the reference# for the legal action against me was: CT-396-1140. I asked a lot of questions about the payment and he took me to the IRS. gov website, showed me the EFTPS payment system, and told me he would send me a pin and password, once they recieved payment. He asked me how much I could pay now, I said $1000 and he told me I needed to get Google vouchers becuase my accounts were being surveillenced. He also told me that the IRS was issuing a new tax payment system designed by Google that was being rolled out mid-April. So, I needed to pay via Google Play gift cards. He stayed on the phone with me while I drove to Walmart and Best Buy of buy 10 Goggle Play cards. After giving him the codes, he told me the courts woud not accept the orginal $1000 and I had to pay  $2341--half the original amount. I pushed back and we settled on $1350. He asked me to text photos of the cards with the backs scratched off to: 702-747-9337. It did not go through, so I read the codes to him. Afterward he told me Valerie Patterson, IRM#80369 from the IRS agency in Bridgeport would come to my home the next day to bring me copies of the documents, set up a payment plan for the remaining amount, and show me my mistake so that I can avoid them in the future. He also informed me that my arrest warrant was now canceled, confirmation # L46JC9X0.  Once I realized this was a scam, I confronted Xaiver and he apologized. Nevertheless, the damage was done. 

To help to stop this fraud, notify your friends and family of this IRS scam. Use my story if necessary.

Be safe,

Chandra Roxanne
Perkins Street

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