Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

Welcome (Bienvenido, Benvenuto, Powitanie, Bonjour! Willkomme,歡迎, ברוךהבא أهلا وسهلا, Bonvenon) to Chatham Square online.

Who We Are & What We Do

We are an all-volunteer group of Fair Haven residents, businesses, and nonprofits working to nurture community and pride in our neighborhood. We are a diverse community, with historic homes and a beautiful waterfront where everyone is welcome.


We organize monthly community gatherings--on alternating months, either a Community Dining Out Night at a local restaurant or a Community Soup Night at a resident's home or a nonprofit. These events aim to build community in our neighborhood, support local businesses, and raise awareness about local nonprofits. In the process of building community, we learn about and address local concerns. CSNA also offers neighborhood tours focusing on: art, culture, environmental justice, history, local food and more. Tours are arranged upon request. 


We  raise funds to: 

  • support neighborhood activities that build or sustain community,
  • improve the image of the neighborhood and/or to
  • facilitate social gatherings.


To learn more about community activities join this website. If you live in the area come to an event and get to know your neighbors.


Contributions to CSNA are welcome but not required. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. If you would like to make a donation, please see the instructions below.

To contact us:

Email-  ChathamSquareNeighborhood at

Phone- (203) 936-9459

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We respectfully acknowledge that this land was once the homeland of the Algonquin speaking people known as the Quinnipiac. We also acknowledge the Africans who were taken from their homelands and forced to work here and throughout this country creating wealth for others. May we not forget the uncompensated contributions of the Quinnipiac and African people. 

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 Walk in your neighborhood  

Fair Haven Trails

Postcard Map

copies of this postcard are available at the Fair Haven Branch of the New Haven Free Public Libraries 182 Grand Avenue.

Informative links:

- Fair Haven Trails on: You Tube

- Fair Haven Trail Map Postcard

Fair Haven Trail opens

CSNA & The Community Foundation

- Practical Lessons for Turning Around a Neighborhood

Fair Haven History Daily Nutmeg 

Neighborhood Traffic study

Read more about our Neighborhood


Food & Health Security

Need Help with food, housing or other services?



"Get Connected New Haven" a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. It is available in multiple languages. 

If you need food or if you know of someone in need of food in New Haven go to this website for information and services.



Help Create a Resilient Fair Haven



Who Supports Us

Your support and the contributions of the businesses and nonprofits listed in the column on the right makes this website and our community activities possible. Please do not forget to let contributors know that we appreciate their support.

Your tax deductible donation can be made via the United Way of Greater New Haven. In the memo line write: CSNA to make sure they know that your donation is designated to our neighborhood.  Thank you for your support.

What We Believe...

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members ~ Coretta Scott King

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One of the marvelous things about community is that it enable us to welcome and help people in a way that we couldn't as individuals. When we pool our strengths and share the work and responsibility we can welcome many people ~ Jean Vanier 

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Every time we decrease children's opportunity for free play by increasing time at school or some other adult-directed activities, we reduce further their opportunities to control their own lives, to learn that they ar not simply victims of circumstance and powerful others ~ Peter Gray

Latest Activity

Esther Rose-Wilen posted a blog post
Lee Cruz posted a video

The Spirit of Fair Haven

This short film tells the story of Fair Haven, a vibrant neighborhood in New Haven with a rich food culture.
Feb 17
Lee Cruz's 2 blog posts were featured
Jan 21
Lee Cruz's blog post was featured

Maps Show Climate Change’s Neighborhood Impacts

Floods in City Point. Heat waves in tree-sparse, lot-heavy Newhallville. More storms that require evacuation. More periods of drought.As climate change progresses, those conditions will become the new normal for New Haven, especially for the heat-…See More
Sep 6, 2022

Information You can use

Can I Recycle It?

Click here to find out:


Get Connected New Haven, a one-stop connection to resources for all of the residents in New Haven, Connecticut!

Get Connected New Haven is a continually updated, comprehensive database of services provided by the City, non-profit and community organizations for New Haven residents. It is available in multiple languages. 

If you need food or if you know of someone in need of food in New Haven click here to get information and services.

Need Help with food housing or other human needs ? Call...



Take a Walk in Fair Haven, while you are out visit one of our local restaurants...

Blog Posts

Fair Haven Cleans Up

Posted by Lee Cruz on March 7, 2025 at 8:55am 0 Comments

John S. Martinez School eco-warriors” Christian Ayapantecatl, Anthony Leon, and Giovanni Zurita walked up James Street’s tree belt, using long plastic pickers” to grab pieces of paper, plastic, and chicken wing bones before throwing them into a large black trash bag.

They then walked over to stand alongside the mayor, four alders, and two dozen fellow students, city workers, and Fair Haven…


English Station Looms Over Fair Haven Walk

Posted by Lee Cruz on September 25, 2024 at 12:18pm 1 Comment

A derelict power plant. A neighborhood school. A vibrant community history of hardship and resilience. And the ticking clock of climate change.

All these elements came together in the first of a series of walking tours — a collaboration among several public and nonprofit entities put together by Anstress Farwell, president of the New Haven Urban Design League — focusing on the decommissioned and toxic English Station power plant and the Mill River District in Fair Haven...…


For any who may have missed it: Thanksgiving Arriveed Early In Fair Haven

Posted by Lee Cruz on December 3, 2024 at 3:01pm 0 Comments

A menu of pollo asado, arroz con gandules, and tres leches for dessert was the centerpiece of a joyous afternoon of gratitude, service, and community love in Fair Haven.

The scene was the annual pre-Thanksgiving lunch at the Atwater Senior Center, where about 100 older folks — regular clients of the five-day-a-week multi-service senior center on Atwater near Grand — were treated like honored holiday guests.

There was…


Use SeeClickFix to report issues in our neighborhood


WELCOME (BIENVENIDO, BENVENUTO, POWITANIE, BONJOUR! WILLKOMME,歡迎, ברוךהבא أهلا وسهلا, BONVENON) to Chatham Square Association. Traducción de esta página

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El contenido, excepto los
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Non-English speaking residents can read the content of this website by clicking on "Select Language" above and picking their preferred language. Once a language is selected all content with the exception of attachments will appear in that language.

New Haven's Local Banks

Explore Living Here

Waterfront Living


Didi Strode / Olivia Martson

47 High St. New Haven


Find local homes for sale

Five star senior community with a tradition of quality care

118 Clinton Avenue



20 Grand Avenue, New Haven

Local Places to Eat

J &J Dominican Restaurant

244 Grand Avenue

475. 238. 8020


La Molienda Peruvian Restaurant

113 Grand Avenue



El Coqui Puerto Rican Restaurant

286 Grand Avenue


Salsa's Authentic

Mexican Restaurant

99 Grand Avenue



Fair Haven Pharmacy

OPEN 7 Days a week. Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 10% discount on over the counter products if you mention CSNA.

Fair Haven Community Health Care

Once again Fair Haven Community Health Care has been recognized as a high achieving health center by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA), and has received the gold level designation. This places FHCHC in the top 10% of the 1,400 community health centers across the country and reflects our strong commitment to high quality clinical care. The full announcement can be found here.

We are proud and happy to have FHCHC as a community partner and a major employer in our community. 

Changing the odds for Children and Families

City of New Haven

Canoes, Kayaks & more at:

Imagine. Inform. Invest. Inspire.

© 2025   Created by Lee Cruz.   Powered by

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