Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront


Event Details


Time: December 12, 2014 from 5:30pm to 7pm
Location: 222 Farren Avenue
Event Type: picket
Latest Activity: Dec 9, 2014

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Event Description

join us on Friday 12/12/2014 at 5:30pm at 222 Farren Avenue!!!!!!  

The underlying question is this; Do we really want or need more liquor stores in our neighborhood?

The Farren Avenue neighborhood has answered that question with a "NO". I don't want this to be a long editorial; but what happens when a community enacts business standards and those standards are not being met? Or even worse, what happens when they are being totally ignored? Does this stop at Farren Avenue or can it happen anywhere?

The residents along Farren/Fairmont have said,

"No, we don't need a package store".

The area businesses, school, and church have said,

"No we don't want a liquor store here either".

Roshan Patel is the owner of Gem Liquors at 65 Lamberton Street and soon to be owner of a new Gemstone Liquors at 222 Farren Ave. Roshan does not live in the community, he only sells us liquor and takes our money elsewhere. Roshan is confident he has the proper zoning approval so he feel's no need to reply to or meet with the community. The neighbors are fed up with being ignored and pushed through an ineffective system. Due to his ignorance toward his new community and arrogant attitude toward others, we feel the only way to get our message across to him would be picketing his two inner-city liquor stores. This coming Friday, 12/12/2014 we will be picketing both locations twice, 222 Farren Avenue and 65 Lamberton Street. First, the morning commute from 7:30-9am, and then an evening commute protest at 5:30-7pm. Rain or shine, open for business or not, protesters will be outside to gain support and raise awareness. The purpose of the picket is to get Patel to respond to the Farren Avenue Community, to get Patel to understand that Farren Ave does not support his business and get him to understand what a foolish business move he is making. Will you join fellow neighbors to express your anger over this issue by picketing with us? In case you missed the article in the New Haven Independent, here it is for some background information on the issue: Most Sincerely, Thomas Burwell

P.S. pick any time, location & BYO signs

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