Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Economic & Community Development group met on Monday, Dec. 11, 2019, from 6 – 7 pm at Quinnipiac Marina, 315 Front Street. Present: Christel, David H., Lee, Aleta.


RIVERFEST: Aleta represents Arts & Ideas Festival. A&E used to sponsor a Fair Haven festival that was held at Criscolo park and organized by the Management Team. But MT has backed out, so A&E came to us to explore the idea of supporting Riverfest instead. The upside for them is that we already run a successful event; the upside for us would be additional resources (e.g., people to set up and take down) and publicity. If we do this collaboration, we may need to apply for a Neighborhood Vitality grant. It may also be good to invite some people involved with MT to be part of our planning committee (Edwin Martinez name came up). No final decision was made. A&E may need to put out a call for proposals in order to be fair to all neighborhoods.


BANNER PROPOSAL: Christel will follow up with Joanne to confirm April 4 (rain date April 5); Christel will do a write up to post on CSNA to save the date; Lee will reach out to local schools to send kids to event.


ANTI-BLIGHT PROPOSAL: Anika Lemar has put out some ideas about an anti-blight initiative. It involves changing laws to make it easier for city to fight blight. All agreed that CSNA should support this.

Views: 15

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