Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

CSNA Economic Development Group, Minutes  

The group met on Monday, Jan. 7, 2013, from 6-7:30 pm at 333 Front Street. Present: Lee, Sarah, Carlos, Natalie, Don, David, Brett, Terry, Clymenza, Lisa, Chris, Christel. Items discussed:

  1. Planning for 3rd annual Riverfest:  Event is planned for first Sunday of May, which this year is May 5th. Lisa Fitch, owner of Quinnipiac River Marina, attended our meeting and is excited to participate in the planning process. She will not be doing lobster this year, but offer a wider range or more affordable items like burgers, hotdogs, fries, chowder, as well as some Mexican themed items in the spirit of Cinco de Mayo.  Christel will contact QRWA about bringing canoes and kayaks as they did last year. Lee will contact the folks organizing the Fair Haven Family stroll (also in May) to build synergy around advertising the two river-related events. We hope to have beer and wine tasting at this year’s event. Carlos will follow up (speak with Grand Vin and a beer distributor he knows; find out what licensing requirements are). Don will work on a flyer.
  2. Chatham Square postcard project: Lee talked to Joyce and Kara at Mary Wade (they have some experience w. marketing and design), and they suggested doing a foldout map. Also suggest doing insets on adjoining neighborhoods to show that some resources that CS may lack are available close by). They will get a sample fold out card for us from city of Cambridge, Mass. Christel will resend email list of businesses to put on card to all of us.
  3. Dining out night will be Wednesday, Jan. 30, 6-8 pm at Salsa’s restaurant on Grand Ave. Soup night will be Sunday, Feb. 24, at Don and Nathalie’s house.
  4. Strong School update: The assessment report on the building has been given to interested non-profit arts organizations. To make this a viable project, the building must generate sufficient income to cover cost of running it. Still need a fire safety inspection.
  5. Beautifying entrance to neighborhood: David is meeting with various adjacent businesses to discuss their participation in planting and maintaining landscapes at intersection of Middletown Avenue with Front and Clinton.
  6. Redevelopment of property at Grand and Quinnipiac: This is the cluster of buildings and land that used to belong to Joel  (the corner where Grand Vin and Ziggy’s pizza is) and is now held by a couple of other investors. Chris Ozick knows one of them and reported they are looking for a third partner.





Views: 35

Replies to This Discussion

Christel, Great Minutes thank you for scribing and publishing.  I have the next meeting date in my schedule on Feb.11. 

Best, David

PS   sorry to have missed the Satruday Retreat, Joy reported on the session.  Sounds positive.




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