Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Economic Development group met on Monday, July 13, 2015, from 6 – 7:30 pm at 20 Grand Avenue. Present: Christel Manning, Sean Hundtofte, Nathalie Bonafe, Lee Cruz, Diane Panasci, Kathleen Flynn, Sam Jones, Chris Fiore, David Hunter, Natalie Coe.

  1. Rowing & sailing program at Quinnipiac Marina: Sean and Sam presented info on Canal Dock Boathouse, Inc., a non-profit starting a rowing and sailing program at QM. They are part of a longer term plan to build a community boathouse at Long Wharf. In the meantime, they are starting the program in our neighborhood. Lisa Fitch has cleared an area for them to use, built a rowing dock, and set up boat racks. They will begin this summer with learn-to-row lessons for kids (free) and some adult lessons (for fee). Right now they have only a couple rowing shells in operation but more are in the works. The sailing program will probably start next year. They may also arrange for kayaking rentals and lessons.
  2. Fair Haven Forward: Diane and Nathalie have worked very hard of the past several months to create an organization that connects local business owners to work together to revitalize our area. They had several events (including one at Nat and Don’s house) and meetings with various players, including business people, and current and former city officials. They have drafted a mission statement and created a Facebook page, and are in the process of deciding whether to incorporate as a non-profit or some other formal organization.
  3. Dining Out Night: Wed, July 29, 6-8 pm at Grand Vin, w. wine tasting and food truck. Christel has posted on website. 
  4. Strong School: SPACe board members have been working hard and made good progress in accomplishing long list of tasks requested by city. We have a meeting with city officials scheduled to report on our progress.
  5. Walking trail: Kathleen presented a new design for trail markers; location of trail has been determined, so hopefully these will go up soon.


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Hi Christel, thank you very much for creating and posting the minutes. And thank you for recognizing the work that Nathalie Bonafe and I have done with Fair Haven Forward. We have indeed created a Business Overview which contains a Mission Statement and goals. We are in the process of completing the next steps it will take to not only flesh out the business economic goal, but also to decide what format the business will take. Because of this still ongoing exploration we have not as yet created a Facebook page. I believe that creating a FB page that is both compelling and on point is vital. We are still working out those bugs.

Having said this, it is important to understand, we have not stopped our work. Just are not ready to put it out there for the world to see. We are working closely with key figures in CSNA, the City of New Haven, local businesses, future businesses and residents to make sure we do this right!


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