Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Economic Development group met on Monday, June 8, 2015, from 6 – 7:30 pm at 20 Grand Avenue. Present: Christel, David H, Nathalie B, Tambira, Kathy, Kevin, Lee, Diane, Lisa F, Kathleen F.

  1. Dover Beach Urban Oasis: The Middletown Ave underpass (corner of Front) is one of the main entrances to our neighborhood. Last year CSNA members and URI (Urban Resource Initiative) volunteers began a beautification project of the green areas around the underpass.  We have some grant funding and there may be some high school students helping us during the summer. Will meet regularly at corner of Middletown and Front on most Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm. Please contact Angel at URI (203-298-2739) for more info.
  2. Soup Night: Maggie and Front Street have expressed an interest in hosting. Christel will contact them to confirm and then post the event.
  3. Dining Out Night: There was talk at May meeting of having this at Grand Vin, with wine tasting and food truck. Christel has contacted Chris from Grand Vin and Jose from the Meat Truck. Still trying to work out the details; are aiming to do this in July. Jose can offer veg options; others suggested G-Zen vegan food truck from Branford.
  4. Fair Haven Forward: Nathalie and Diane are co-chairs of this new initiative. They reported on successful first meeting in May (which took place instead of regular economic development meeting). There will be a follow up gathering at Nathalie and Don’s home on Monday, June 15. Invites are sent out separately, so please contact Nathalie if interested in attending.
  5. Gastro tours: Lee reporting on leading 3 successful tours. Attendance was great, business owners report seeing return customers, positive coverage in New Haven Independent. There are plans for a summer tour that might include showing off local real estate. Didi from Pierce has expressed an interest in this.
  6. Rotary club: Dave suggested CSNA tap into RC resources this coming year. He is outgoing president and Kevin is incoming president. RC does lots of fundraising and has interested in helping veterans, needy kids, doing cleanups, etc. RC could be helpful to CSNA by providing funds and/or volunteers.  They would need a couple of months lead time to round up volunteers.


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Just a note and correction to Item # 4 of the meeting:
Main Street Initiative has been renamed Fair Haven Forward.

  1. The City has not as of this time bought into the State's program. So we had to be inventive in what we called ourselves.
  2. Since the Main Street program was to focus on Grand Ave alone, and we cannot use that titling, we have broadened our focus to include The Quinnipiac River and also all of the Chatham Square Neighborhood plus Quinnipiac Ave from Grand to Route 80.
  3. Nathalie and I are Co-Chairs of this initiative and both spoke of our delight in the outcome of the May 11th meeting.
  4. And as a follow up, June 15th we did indeed have a Business Social at Nathalie and Don's home which was a dazzling success. Our beer guys Front Porch Brewers were back as was Chris from Grand Vin. The event also played host to interested residents, business owners, architects, developers, realtors and CSNA members interested in joining our efforts.

We thank all of you who attended and look forward to great things to come from all the efforts expended and planned.


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