Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront




March 15, 2016 ~ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

The Mary Wade Home


  • Present: Kenneth Reveiz (Alder-Elect 14th Ward), Sgt. Renee Dominguez (FH District Manager), Mary Ann Moran (Meeting Facilitator), Susan Hackett, Mark Duda, Marian Lemley, Lee Cruz, Sally Esposito (Notetaker), David Hunter
  • Welcome & Introductions: The meeting began at 6:03.  David Hunter apologized for having to leave early but left flyers for the Mary Wade Parade which will be Friday May 19 at 10:30 am with a rain date of June 2.
  • Health & Wellness:
    • Urban Trail Update– postcard\map in process: Lee reported that there is a draft postcard design and Kathleen Flynn and Lee are seeking sponsorship – possible from the Community Foundation - for 3,000 postcard/maps to be handed out at the FH schools and other places.
    • Community gardens – Maryann reported that Mark Duda will lead the Grand Acres Garden and that citywide seed distribution will take place Monday night.  The Landtrust Grand Acres greenhouse is going well.  Lee offered that food at Landtrust gardens will be weighed this year.  Mary Ann reported that a grant has been submitted to purchase the scale and other needed equipment for the Clinton Ave. School garden.  This will not be a CSNA grant.  Mary Ann reported that the 2017 Landtrust open gardens event at Grand Acres and Clinton Ave. School garden will be Sat., April 8.  Mary Ann and Lee reminded people that they can donate to the Landtrust during the Big Give coming up on May 2-3.
    • Volunteer for City Seed Advisory Committee: Lee reported that the new City Seed Director is creating an advisory committee and invited someone to represent FH on the committee.  Mark Duda volunteered.
    • Other health activities: Lee reported that Pablo would like to start a non-perishable food box in front of their house to help meet the needs of neighbors who do not have food.  Lee is investigating the feasibility of doing this.  All commended Pablo for his thoughtfulness.  Mark reported that speeding is still a problem on Clinton between Pine and Grand. 

Interested in working on health issues contact Mary Ann or Lee (203-668-7074)

  • Economic & Community Development Christel Manning
    • Riverfest 2017 Christel: Save the date: May 20, rain date May 21, 11-4: Lee reported that a one mile foot race has been added that will start at the Marina and go to Bailey St.  Andrew Yim of Lewis St. is organizing.
    • Soup Night: David Hunter announced that Soup Night will take place on March 26 from 6-8 at Bregamos Community Theater, Erector Square entrance at 491 Blatchley Avenue.  Rafael Ramos is hosting and will provide both soups.  Bring a bowl, spoon and something to share for dinner.  Rafael also invites everyone to bring a story to tell/share. 
    • Chatham Square Park Clean up: Save April 8 in the morning, typically 10 am
    • Other Eco. & Community Development activities: none

Interested in this work group? Contact Christel at

  • Finance Report- Sally reported that the account balance is approximately $8,568.22 but could not confirm because our UWGNH person is on vacation.  Sally asked approval to order a sandwich board to be shared by Riverfest and the tree lighting as well us updated signage for Riverfest and the Fall Festival totaling $327.24.  All agreed.
  • Website: reorganizing the website – Lee proposed reorganizing the website to reflect the topics that received volunteers at the annual retreat. This matter was tabled for further discussion at the next meeting.
  • New Business & Activity Reports
    • Request from Columbus School PTO - Fiscal agent for yoga classes: Lee reported that Sarah Miller is applying for a grant from the Graustein Foundation to teach yoga to Columbus School students, families and staff.  It would be taught by a qualified and insured instructor who teaches yoga for City Seed.  Through Lee, Sarah is requesting approval to use the CSNA account at UWGNH to receive the grant check for approximately $5,000.00 and issue one check for the same to pay the yoga instructor.  All agreed.
    • Job opening: Bi-lingual Garden Education Coordinator, NH Land Trust: Mary Ann reported that the deadline passed but she brought the posting to Fr. Manship and to Junta.
  • Police\Safety: Renee Dominguez 203.887.0618: Sgt. Reported not much violent crime during the period.  There were two robberies and three aggravated assaults at Grand & Wallace that targeted homeless men.  Burglaries and break-ins are down.


  • Announcements:
    • Kevin Lembo, CT State Comptroller on the: Implications of the CT State Budget at Hooker School 7-8:30pm Tuesday March 21.  Bring questions.
    • Mary Wade Home Parade: Friday May 19 @10:30am: see above; we will participate.
    • "Intro to Rowing" Programs for Kids - No Experience Necessary! at Quinnipiac River Marina June 19 - August 25, 2017. Looking for donations for scholarships.  There will be two age groups: grades 7-9 and grades 10-11.  Mary Ann suggested that CSNA might fund one scholarship but no one knew the cost.  Lee will find out more information.
    • The Fair Haven Family Stroll will take place May 6 from 10-2 at Quinnipiac River Park.  A CSNA information table was requested.  Mark Duda will staff.  Sally and Mary Ann will provide table and supplies for kids to make Mother’s Day cards.  Lee will update and print CSNA brochure.
    • City Seed is looking for an assistant farmer and a market manager, preferably bi-lingual.
    • Mary Wade received the very prestigious Heritage Award from Chamber of Commerce.
    • Lee reported that Junta published a public statement in support of Muslims. 
    • Lee reported that the Deltas sorority conducted a series of discussions in New Haven to write a letter to Donald Trump concerning a number of issues. 
    • Lee reported that former Alder Berrios-Bones occasionally met constituents at Dunkin Donuts and suggested that Alder-Elect Kenneth might consider these types of meetings.  Alder-Elect Kenneth was receptive to this idea. 
    • Alder-Elect Kenneth also said he is willing to meet with anyone and invited everyone to attend his swearing-in ceremony to be held March 20 at 5:45 at City Hall.  He also said he wants to support CSNA and its activities.
    • Kenneth Reveiz shared flyers from local 33 seeking support for Yale to bargain with the newly certified union.  Several members present signed and returned them to Kenneth.
    • Regarding immigration, there will be Immigration Accompaniment Training conducted by a religious coalition based in Hamden later this month.  Unidad Latina en Accion (ULA) and SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) are among the local groups working with the religious coalition.  Lee and Kenneth are working with Junta and the New Haven group also working on immigration issues.

The meeting adjourned at 7:30.


2017 meetings schedule & facilitators:

April 20– Mark D.      May 18–  Lee C.            June 15–            July 20-                

August 17–                September 21-             October 19 -      November 16 -   


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