Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Issue of traffic, driving, and mature citizens.

Traffic control, specifically speeding, has been a priority for the CSNA. I read with interest an article published in WSJ concerning the issue of mature citizens, their driving abilities, and associated travel expense. I thought this article, which I have attached, might be an interesting resource to the community in relation to our concerns about traffic. This article might also be of interest to those grappling with the issue of driving and aging parents.

I also want to point out that Mary Wade provides free transportation to individuals over the age of 65. On weekends the transportation is available for social events, IE, shopping, visiting, and worship. During the week transportation is available for physician and dental visits. Transportation is free, chaircar accessible and door-to-door assistance is provided. The transportation is made possible through funding from the Community Development Block Grants(CDBG) from the City of New Haven, Title IIIB funding through the Agency on Aging, Council on Governments(COG) and Mary Wade.

Those who are interested can call, 203.562.7222 and ask for Rosanne Mondrone, or email at

Here is the link to the article:

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Comment by David V. Hunter on June 3, 2010 at 4:02pm
We can use everyone's help in getting the word out to Fair Haveners about Mary Wade's Free Weekend and Medical Tranporation Programs. We have found that those we need to communicate with is the adult children of mature citizens, since they are relied upon for reaching out to service providers.

Last year, the Weekend Transportation program made 642 trips; with Fair Haven and Fair Haven Heights comprising 38% and 46% of the trips, respectively. The weekly Medical Transportation program began just last year for Mary Wade, and of the 1,483 trips; Fair Haven and Fair Haven Heights comprised 17% and 25% of the trips, respectively. Clearly, Mary Wade would like to see more utilization by mature citizens in Fair Haven, particularly with the large number of senior housing communities located in Fair Haven, IE, FairBanks, Saltonstall, Ruoppulo, River Run, and of course Bella Vista, in the Heights.
Comment by Voytec Wacowski on June 3, 2010 at 11:17am
Very interesting article attached. I am not yet eligible for free Mary Wade provided transportation but it seems like one more reason for me to keep living in Fair Haven... I wonder how many senior citizens know about it?

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