Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

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Paula's Friends

  • Maurice Wylie
  • Sally Esposito
  • Susan Mitchell
  • Mary Ann Moran
  • Eric Neubauer
  • Ken Janke
  • Krista Abbott
  • Hope Metcalf
  • Lee Cruz
  • Voytec Wacowski

Paula's Page

Profile Information

Where do you live?
Chatham Square Neighborhood i.e. Between: | I91- N | Grand Ave - S | Ferry St - W | Quinnipiac River - E |
How long do you live in the area?
6-10 years

Paula's Blog

Teachers Appreciation Week May 4-8

Posted on May 7, 2020 at 11:41am 0 Comments

May 4-8 is Teacher Appreciation Week, lets show the teachers in our children life how much we appreciate and miss them by purchasing gift card from our local business as gift for our teachers. I decided to pick up gift card from some of our local business to send to some of my son  teachers. Teachers love pizza, they love tacos, they love coffee and pastries. The list of business in New Haven need our help to stay afloat. Support our local business and our teachers.Please share this with…


Medicare Educational Seminar

Posted on October 8, 2019 at 9:00am 0 Comments

The Annual Enrollment Period for Medicare is fast approaching. Medicare coverage can be quite confusing and its important to make the best decision for you and your health. I can explain Medicare in a way that is easy to understand. If you are new to Medicare, retiring and loosing group employer coverage or just want a refresher about your existing plan. Please join me at the Fair Haven Library on October 19 2019 from 12:30-1:30. This educational event is provided at no cost and free to the… Continue

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 8:46am on March 8, 2010, Mary Ann Moran said…
Hi Paula, Welcome to our group on the new web site. We are having a meeting this week at my house at 7:00pm to plan the Easter Egg hunt for Easter Sunday. We would love to see you. Mary Ann
At 6:36am on March 8, 2010, Paula said…
Hi Lee, thank you. I like the website its really nice. On another note my son accidently kicked a ball in your yard on saturday when we were at the park. Can you tell me a time that is convenient to get it
At 10:09am on March 6, 2010, Lee Cruz said…
Hi Paula, welcome. I assume you are the famous Walker! Don't forget to join you favorite work group. We are glad to have you and your family in the neighborhood.

WELCOME (BIENVENIDO, BENVENUTO, POWITANIE, BONJOUR! WILLKOMME,歡迎, ברוךהבא أهلا وسهلا, BONVENON) to Chatham Square Association. Traducción de esta página

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New Haven's Local Banks

Explore Living Here

Waterfront Living


Didi Strode / Olivia Martson

47 High St. New Haven


Find local homes for sale

Five star senior community with a tradition of quality care

118 Clinton Avenue



20 Grand Avenue, New Haven

Local Places to Eat

J &J Dominican Restaurant

244 Grand Avenue

475. 238. 8020


La Molienda Peruvian Restaurant

113 Grand Avenue



El Coqui Puerto Rican Restaurant

286 Grand Avenue


Salsa's Authentic

Mexican Restaurant

99 Grand Avenue



Fair Haven Pharmacy

OPEN 7 Days a week. Lowest Prices Guaranteed. 10% discount on over the counter products if you mention CSNA.

Fair Haven Community Health Care

Once again Fair Haven Community Health Care has been recognized as a high achieving health center by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA), and has received the gold level designation. This places FHCHC in the top 10% of the 1,400 community health centers across the country and reflects our strong commitment to high quality clinical care. The full announcement can be found here.

We are proud and happy to have FHCHC as a community partner and a major employer in our community. 

Changing the odds for Children and Families

City of New Haven

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