Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

Lee Cruz's Comments

Comment Wall (76 comments)

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At 8:35am on December 4, 2023, Andrea Swenson said…

Thanks for the add! I am with Catholic Charities, located on Lombard St. We are hoping to get more involved in the Fair Haven Community and provide mental health and substance abuse services to people who might need it. This seems like a great place to start!

At 12:50pm on November 3, 2023, Sarah Derbala said…

Thank you!!

At 10:06am on October 17, 2023, Max Teirstein said…

Thank you for inviting the Office of Climate & Sustainability to Chatham Square, Lee!

At 9:13am on February 8, 2023, Renee Comings said…

Thank you, Lee!

At 5:16pm on July 5, 2022, Derek Jones said…

Thank you Lee, I live in the Oyster Cove Condominiums on Front Street and I’m glad that I found this site. I’ve lived here for several years and was an executive with Sikorsky Aircraft for 20+ years before retiring at the end of 2018. I’m interested in getting more involved in the community through volunteer work. I look forward to meeting you. Regards, Derek Jones


At 7:41pm on June 8, 2022, Nu Spiral Collective said…

Thanx for the add Lee!

At 10:49am on April 13, 2022, Maria Olmo said…

Thank you Lee, I hope I can be of service.

At 7:54am on September 21, 2021, Melissa Mason said…


Thanks for your message! This page is such a wonderful resource to get the word out about events and opportunities. I just posted our event on the 29th. 


At 5:31pm on September 9, 2021, Wanda Reyes-Cortes said…

Thank you!

At 9:47am on September 9, 2021, Friends Center for Children said…

Good morning, Lee!

Thank you for connecting and for welcoming Friends Center to Chatham Square :)

At 1:39pm on July 15, 2021, Chana Halberstam said…

Thank you!

At 9:45am on February 22, 2021, Frank Rende said…

Thank you Lee, and pleasure to be part of this neighborhood!

At 1:43pm on February 5, 2021, Deborah Cox said…

Really nice meeting last night!  It was informative, well organized, and everyone is so friendly!

At 3:26pm on January 25, 2021, Abigail Storch said…

Thrilled to be in the neighborhood! I signed up for the management team so looking forward to the meetings. :D

At 3:18pm on February 16, 2020, Erika S. said…

Thanks Lee!  Looking forward to working together in the future!

At 8:12pm on November 14, 2019, Lynne S Bibber said…

Thank you for adding me to the group.

At 2:46pm on March 21, 2019, Caitlin Daly said…

So happy to be here!

At 9:57am on February 22, 2019, Fe Shays said…

Thanks Lee!

At 6:34pm on October 16, 2018, Frank Redente Jr. said…
Thanks Lee.
At 9:05am on June 19, 2018, Lisa Gangemi said…

Thanks Lee! Hope all is well with your family. We will share the community events in our employee newsletter.

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We are proud and happy to have FHCHC as a community partner and a major employer in our community. 

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