Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront
The Economic & Community Development group met on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, at 6 pm on Zoom. Present: Jonathan, Lisa, Natalie, Kathleen, Neville Wisdom, Lee, Martin T.
Riverfest planning continues.
Quinnipiacriverfest.com – Website for promotion
Jonathan – Get with website developer/marketer (Jules) to update and improve the site. Will schedule a meeting with Lee to get access and determine updates.
Funding update- Lee Update – Loads of Good News –
Brewsquare has committed to $1,200
Community Foundation- $1000
Karen Patrick - $500
Real Living - $500
Mary Wade Home – Not 100% but $750
United Way – Possible $3,000 from previous years.
Space planning update
Double decker bus is not available at this time for our event. Jonathan is working on a backup option.
Trash – QRM has trash cans but may need to request an additional one time dumpster.
Jonathan needs to follow up on the Map (Community Map).
Martin also expressed that we can request the Porta Pottys from the city for the event.
Musical entertainment (afternoon band) – Goodnight Bluemoon (Approx $475 could be higher)
Food/beer Jonathan has confirmed permitting and licenses are in progress. Finance administrator: Jonathan will look into opening a sub account to manage the funds (does require some fronting of funds)
Adult focused activities:
Canoeing/kayaking – Martin – has a fleet of kayaks and canoes as well as runs the cities instructions on this matter. Martin has confirmed that the City needs to be added on the umbrella policy to deploy assets (Property owner). Will pursue a one day rider policy listing the city as a coinsured member. Jonathan will address this matter. Two trailers with canoes – ideally less than 12 to avoid regatta permit.
The “Fun Bus” Gwen Bush request to use this asset on site. Lee will reach out to Gwen.
Requests from elected officials would bring much quicker and better results per Martin’s experience.
Kathleen confirms GreenWave
Kathleen confirms Vespoli Boats
Tai Chi – Haven’t set the program yet but will likely take place between 1-4. This will likely be free.
Dinner dancing (2nd band) Rock Band – Hartford Jonathan will inquire on their availability. Need to be conscious of sound/noise levels. Jonathan will look into purchasing or getting a donation for a speaker and PA system and Mic so we can make announcements in-between bands.
Kid focused activities – Of Kathleen’s 10 organizations 6 have kids related activities.
Artist and Artisans – Per Lee – Lisa from Art space requested a form and send out to her network. Kathleen has three artist, a photographer, potter and print maker who will be coming. Neville Wisdom volunteered to be contact person for this. Christel needs to send him our form. Once he is setup Lee will connect him with Lisa from Artspace
Non-profits-- Kathleen has 10 organizations prepared to attend
First draft of schedule - top agenda item for next meeting
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Waterfront Living
Didi Strode / Olivia Martson
J &J Dominican Restaurant
244 Grand Avenue
475. 238. 8020
La Molienda Peruvian Restaurant
El Coqui Puerto Rican Restaurant
203. 562.1757 |
Salsa's Authentic
Mexican Restaurant
99 Grand Avenue
Once again Fair Haven Community Health Care has been recognized as a high achieving health center by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA), and has received the gold level designation. This places FHCHC in the top 10% of the 1,400 community health centers across the country and reflects our strong commitment to high quality clinical care. The full announcement can be found here.
We are proud and happy to have FHCHC as a community partner and a major employer in our community.
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