Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Economic Development group met on Monday, Dec. 14, 2015, from 6 – 7 pm at 20 Grand Avenue. Present: Christel, Diane, Brenda, Richard, Natalie B., Lisa F., Kathleen, Lee, David H.

Riverfest 2016 was the primary agenda item for this meeting. We set the date for Sunday, May 1, with May 15 as the rain date. This dovetails with Fair Haven Family Stroll which is planned for the Saturday before each of these dates. We then reviewed suggestions made after last year’s fest and began planning. We need volunteers in all areas. The individuals listed as point persons are the coordinators, just to make communications easier.

  1. Food and beer. Lisa is wary of inviting outside food companies because of her lease relationship w. Boat House Café. They have wider menu now, including better veg options. Lisa will ask them to offer pizza by the slice, in addition to grilled meat items they had last year. Beer companies to invite include Two Roads, Front Porch, Bar, and a new outfit located in Erector Square (Lee will find out the name).
  2. Music. Richard suggested we invite a band that will get people dancing, such as “Johnny and the Rockers” or “Four Barrel Willy.” Others prefer a listening band, plus it’s nice to have different styles including a Latin band. So we’ll try to have variety. We will definitely ask Blue Moon back, since they are local and everybody loves them. Richard also suggested renting a stage. Ralph Ramos has one. Natalie and David both said they would look into this.
  3. Kids activities. Donna was unable to attend but has promised to take this on again this year. Christel’s daughter Sheila will assist her and aims to recruit at least 4 other teenagers to help. Arts and crafts activities were very popular, as was face painting. Lee suggested not getting a clown this time because it was very expensive.
  4. Canoeing and boating activities. Christel will reach out to QRWA as she has done in the past. She will also contact John Pescatore from the local rowing group to see if they want to be involved somehow. Related activities that were suggested include: a boat parade featuring local fishermen and/or rowing shells; bringing the Fire rescue boat back (it was popular last year); and an information table about Natalie and Don’s proposed Youth at Work boat repair project.
  5. Fundraising and sponsors. We will obviously reach out to last year’s sponsors again. Lee also wants to contact Trail Blazer. He will be the point person for fundraising.
  6. Website and publicity. Christel has renewed the Riverfest website for another year. She will update it but needs help from a more internet savvy person. Lee suggested Carlos.
  7. Setup and cleanup. Christel has talked to Natalie Coe who said she’s sure Wacoma will let us have tables and chairs again.

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