Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Economic Development group met on Monday, Jan. 13, 2014, from 6 – 7 pm at 333 Front Street. Present: Ihssane Khatib, Lee Cruz, Mark Firla, Pat Bissell, Carlos Galo, Melissa Waldron, Christel Manning.

Items discussed:

1. Planning for Riverfest 2014. CJ May, the environmental magician, is willing to do a children’s show for us; his normal fee is $300, which is a bit high for us. We will try to negotiate a lower fee and also look for sponsors to help pay. Pat and Christel pledged to donate $50 each, so others who solicit fees can say that local residents have pitched in $100, and ask potential donors to give at least $25. Lee has contacted the Hispanic Health Council about doing a puppet show; he does not have a commitment yet. Christel emailed Lisa about getting Channel 8 to come back this year; she has not heard back yet. Lee suggested we have 2 media events. The chef at Boat House Café could do a cooking demo during the noon time slot of the CT style show, and then later Connie Fitch could follow up. Good Night New Moon has committed to our event. They have a great video that we should link to our site. Last year, they were also featured in the TV coverage on channel 8; we should do that again. Carlos has been unable to connect with Kevin Anastasio about the second band. We need to start working on getting sponsors.

Action Items:

  • Start getting sponsors. For small amounts like this, it is best to have donors give the check directly to you (otherwise they will forget). Checks must be made out to United Way and we must write CSNA on the memo line of the check.
  • Christel will negotiate with CJ. She will ask Stewart to approach Dee’s Bait & Tackle about sponsoring.
  • Ihssane will ask for sponsorship from Fab’s cleaners plus La Molienda.
  • Melissa will ask Kerry at Fair Haven Furniture.
  • Carlos will contact Kevin Anastasio via Facebook to discuss the band. If Lee or Christel run into Kevin, they will talk to him also.
  • Carlos will ask Good Night Blue Moon for permission to use their video. Then Melissa will embed it on the Riverfest website.
  • Christel will call Lisa Fitch by cell phone to discuss TV coverage.

2. Next Soup Night: Sunday, Jan. 26, 6-8 pm, location TBA. Christel will ask Nathalie Bonafe; if not, Ihssane is our backup.

3. Dining Out Night: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 6-8 pm at La Molienda. Ihssan will talk to them when he goes to ask for Riverfest donation.


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