Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

The Economic Development group met on Monday, Oct. 12, 2015, from 6 – 7  pm at 20 Grand Avenue. Present: Christel Manning, David Weinreb, Tom Burwell, Sally Esposito, David Hunter, Diane Panasci, Karen DuBois Walton, Colin Tominey, David Oricchio, Lee Cruz, Daniel Shkolnik, Kathleen Flynn, Nathalie Bonafe, David Caron.

This was a special meeting called to discuss how CSNA might work with the city to fighting housing blight in our neighborhood. Karen DuBois Walton (who also lives in the neighborhood) was there to share her perspective as Director of the New Haven Housing Authority. David Shkolnik came as a writer for the Daily Nutmeg. Others were home and business owners and potential investors.

Christel introduced the topic by recalling the abandoned Lewis street home that a neighbor was unable to purchase because CHFA (a state agency) was sitting on it for years. Others added their concerns about slumlord investors moving in to flip houses or rent them in poor condition. Banks like to sit on properties in lower income neighborhoods because it’s hard to sell them at a profit.

Karen then explained what the city housing authority does. They are actually not a city entity; most of their funding comes from the federal government. They use these funds to buy and fix old housing or build new housing and to subsidize low income people who rent or purchase homes or apartments. When the city takes over a foreclosed property, it goes through LCI, and they then pass it on to Habitat or some other organization; the city is trying to do less rehab of old properties because it’s expensive. Instead they have done several new developments. Their main property in our area is Q Terrace; they also operate some scattered site properties (e.g., Downing St.), elderly housing (Ferry St.), and are currently doing a new multi-housing development (Chatham & Ferry St.). Both Q-T and this new one are mixed income developments. Since 2007 they have been engaged in a new “vehicle for homeownership” project where they train prospective lower income home buyers (doing credit repair, how to be a landlord, etc.). They have helped 50 people become homeowners; only one has defaulted. Karen also said the housing authority works alot with CHFA and knows people there. So next time something like Lewis street happens, we can call her and ask if she can talk to them.

Other positive events were noted, including: Nathalie and Don opened a new AirB&B location on Front street which is up and running and introducing our neighborhood to new people; Colin and David O. of East Rock Coffee are looking into starting a coffee shop here; they just need to find the right location (about 1000 to 1500 square feet in a high traffic area); the Q river trail is all mapped out; we just need permission from the Parks Dept. to install the trail markers.


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