Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

Stephanie Bauer
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Stephanie Bauer's Friends

  • Nathaniel A. Cordova
  • Maurice Wylie
  • Lynn Smith
  • gerda genece
  • Mary Ann Moran
  • Eric Neubauer
  • Ken Janke
  • Steve Brown
  • Hope Metcalf
  • Lee Cruz

Stephanie Bauer's Page

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other part of Fair Haven
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6-10 years

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Stephanie Bauer's Blog

snow storm

Posted on October 29, 2011 at 5:07pm 0 Comments

Due to the weight of the snow and the fact that the leaves are still on the trees has caused many limbs to come down, should anyone experience any problems, please call 203-946-6316 for the time being as the police non-emergency number is forwarding all calls.

hazardous waste station open til 10/29

Posted on October 8, 2011 at 11:03am 0 Comments

Just a reminder, the haz/waste station located at 90 Sargent Dr. will only be open on until October 29, 2011.  Their hours are Saturday 9:00 am-12:00 am.

Power Outage

Posted on August 30, 2011 at 7:08am 2 Comments

Good Monring,

I am aware that many residents in our community are still without power, I am working with Sean Matteson and Rob Smuts to get the UI out to those areas.  Pleae let me know of any related situations that need to be addressed.



Clinton Avenue speed humps

Posted on August 25, 2011 at 8:40am 1 Comment

Jim Travers was abel to get Richard Miller out to Clinton Avenue to discuss traffic calming measures.  Street humps on Clinton between Pine Street and Grand Avenue will be placed, however an exact date has not been set as of yet. As soon as one has been set I will post that information.

As a long term project, Jim is looking into aquiring the funds necessary to place a center pedestrian island on the wider part of Clinton Avenue, othere options are currently being discussed to follow…


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At 3:39pm on December 17, 2010, Eric Neubauer said…



I live at 167 Grafton Street.  My number is 203-747-6633

At 9:11am on October 20, 2010, Maurice Wylie said…
Hey!! Thanks for the add!!!
At 3:05pm on October 16, 2010, Ken Janke said…

Our next CSNA Meeting will be held this Wednesday at Mary Wade 10/16/10 at 6pm. We are so happy to hear that you will be attending.

Ken Janke
At 10:02am on April 3, 2010, Ken Janke said…

I would like to recruit you to join our economic development group on this CSNA site and partner with us to help improve our community. Our next meeting is Tuesday April 6th. Good things are happening in fair haven and we need your involvement. Your input and contribution would be wonderful.

Thanks, Ken Janke
At 11:48am on March 22, 2010, Lee Cruz said…
Welcome to Chatham Square on line. I am glad you joined us. Please let me know when you would like to speak about the Strong School. You can write to me here or call me at 203.668.7074.

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Fair Haven Community Health Care

Once again Fair Haven Community Health Care has been recognized as a high achieving health center by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HRSA), and has received the gold level designation. This places FHCHC in the top 10% of the 1,400 community health centers across the country and reflects our strong commitment to high quality clinical care. The full announcement can be found here.

We are proud and happy to have FHCHC as a community partner and a major employer in our community. 

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