Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

Meeting Minutes


  1. 16 people in attendance

  1. 2012 Retreat Report & Feedback
  • Liked: emphasis on our values, brainstorming, Yale student participation and contributions
  • Wanted: more interaction, more focus, more detailed discussion

  1. CSNA Web Site
  • Group leaders or designee will post all our community events as soon as date is known
  • Any member of CSNA can post any event that they think would be of interest to our community, even if the event is not in our community
  • Because of documentation of our activities, the International Festival of Arts and Ideas requested our permission to include us in a grant proposal for the 2013 festival. If funded, the festival will work with us to bring events to our neighborhood.

  1. Work Group Updates - The people listed by each event are not the only ones planning the event, they are people who have offered to take on specific responsibilities and offered to work on the event at the retreat or this meeting. ADDITIONAL volunteers are welcome and needed to make these activities enjoyable for all and ongoing as an expression of community in our neighborhood.

A. Economic Development Working Group

Meeting next Tuesday Feb 21, 7p, Christel Manning’s home; anyone from the community is welcome to attend. Working on:

  • Community dining out night sometime in late February/early March (Lee C, Christel M.)
  • Riverfest Festival at Jenelle’s restaurant/Quinnipiac Marina, May 5 (Christel M, Lee C., Mary Ann M, Pat, Tony P, Beth P)
  • Collaboration with CARE-Yale School of Public Health to promote the Farmer’s Market at Qunnipiac Park, market starts Thursday July 5 (Carlos G., Lee C.)

B. Family & Youth Working Group

Working on:

  • Collaboration Quinnipiac Terrace children/visit from Robert Smuts from City Hall to see what can be done about playground at Dover Beach Park, February 22 4pm (Mary Ann M., Lee C.)
  • Collaboration with Housing Authority to develop a garden at Quinnipiac Terrace (Melissa, Mary Ann, Beth P)
  • Q Terrace Homework Help program (Mary Ann M)
  • Q Terrace Summer education enrichment program (Mary Ann M., Sally E.)
  • Easter Egg Hunt at Chatham Square Park (Laurie, Susan S, Susan O, Mary Ann M., Sally E., Lynn S.)
  • Art in the Park, date tbd (Sally E., Mary Ann M.)
  • Family Field Day, July (Kathy R., Mary Ann M., Sally E.)
  • Halloween Event, October 27 (Lynn S, Lee C. , Hope M., Sally E., Mary Ann M.)
  • MLK event January 2013 in collaboration with Q Terrace and possibly Peabody Museum (Sally E. , Pat )
  • Collaboration with Community Service and Development on the Fall Festival (see below)

C. Community Service and Development

Working on:

  • Winter soup social, tentatively March 25 (Lee C., Carlos G.)
  • 2012 Park Clean-up, waiting to set date based on Yale Day of Service, end March/beg April (Joan B.H., Lee C., Ileana)
  • Fall Festival, September 8 (Hope M., Lee C., Mary Ann M., Pat, Kathleen G.M., Sally E. Beth P)
  • End-of-year Potluck, December 19 (Hope M., Lee C.)

   5. Treasurer’s Report
Current balance: $4,726.17

6. Upcoming Meeting Facilitators                                     

March 14 – Carlos G.

April 18 – Mary Ann M.                                      

May 16 - Hope M.

June 20 - Sally E.

July 18 - Kathleen G. M.

August 15 - Lynn S.


  • Chili Fest, Sunday February 26, Edgewood Park Pavilion near Whalley & West Rock
  • International Women’s Day Concert, March 11 Noon, Santa Rosa de Lima Church
  • Fair Haven Stroll: An Early Childhood Event, May 12, Quinnipiac Park  

Views: 56


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