Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

Stop Trashing New Haven- no out of town trash

We oppose the granting of a special Permit by the City of New Haven to allow for the acceptance and transfer of putrescible (nasty household garbage) municipal solid waste at 19 Wheeler St- Murphy Rd Recycling. New Haven has a municipal wast transfer station in which all of New Havens waste must go by State law.

The neighborhood in which this facility is proposed, is the most heavily pollution burdened neighborhood in the City and one of the poorest. 84 % are minority and 41% are under age 18. New Haven and in particular this neighborhood should not bear the health, safety, and environmental burden of processing trash from other towns and cities. 

Environmental Justice is the Civil rights issue of our time   

Murphy Rd Recycling is affiliated with twenty other transfer sites in CT.  While they may say they are changing expansion plans at this time and ask for permission to accept household trash. Transferring out of town household trash is what they have sought for a long time. Once they get a permit for a smaller amount of nasty trash (putrescibles)  it will be difficult if not impossible to control expansion.  What makes this site so unique is that it has potential rail access and river barge access.

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