Chatham Square Association

Fair Haven is a Diverse Community with a Rich History and a Beautiful Waterfront

Anyone have thoughts they want to share about the implications of the New Haven Promise...

For our community, for the children, for the housing market, for the economic development of New Haven?
  • What do you think?
  • What hopes do you have?
  • What questions do you have?

Would it be helpful to have a community meeting to hear more about this program?

Views: 11


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Comment by Lee Cruz on November 17, 2010 at 10:56am
Perhaps the reference is to these news articles about these programs:

I do not feel qualified to comment on the effectiveness of these programs, you will find data and opnion in the articles.
Comment by Christel Manning on November 17, 2010 at 9:35am
Kathy's comment suggests Yale is funding NHP by taking money out of some other program supporting New Haven schools. Could somebody please clarify: What program was that? Which students were teaching in New Haven? Was this a good program?
Comment by Lee Cruz on November 15, 2010 at 3:46pm
One size certainly does not fit all. I went to a technical high school and loved it. What I learned in trade school has served me well over the years; however, as I got older, I decided to pursue a different line of work. My ability to do this is directly related to my parent’s commitment to education in spite of their limited experience with formal education and to the work of my English teachers. Mr. Johnson, my 7th grade English teacher, exploited my love of science fiction and got me to read more. Ms. Brown, my 10th grade English teacher, insisted that her trade school students read and discuss A Tale of Two Cities. Dr. Logan, my college freshman English teacher, made me read a novel a week for 12 weeks starting with his personal favorite, Moby Dick. I would not be who I am today were it not for these teachers and many other people who taught me to love to read and learn.

Thus while it is true that one size does not fit all, at the same time one does not know one's own potential at 8, 18 or even 88. It is in our collective interest to encourage people of all ages to aspire to greatness and master as many skills as possible. To aspire does not guarantee success; however, it does lead you down the right road. New Haven Promise will lead students down the road to pursue higher education. How far they go when the economic barriers are minimized is for each individual to decide for themselves.
Comment by Voytec Wacowski on November 15, 2010 at 10:33am
Interesting voice in the discussion here: One size doesn’t fit all published by Yale Daily News - I share very much the author's point of view - the idea of pursuing a “personal fit” in the search for a happy life, and pursuing college education simply “because it’s college.”
Comment by Mary Ann Moran on November 13, 2010 at 5:32am
I think this promise is a way to give hope to children who have no way to think about how to afford college, I believe there needs to be a community campaign to go into the grammer schools especially and high schools to get kids concretely living and breathing this idea. I am going to work with Melanie at Quinnipiac Terrace to bring someone in to meet parents and kids to bring this promise into their homes and make it real.
Comment by Christel Manning on November 10, 2010 at 12:50pm
I think NHP is a great idea. Having lived in Europe where university is publicly funded (though often more difficult to get in), I have long felt that the system here relies too heavily on ability to pay. NHP provides a long overdue corrective to that problem. There are programs like this in other places (like Massachusetts where my sister lives), and it will be interesting to see what kind of impact they have.

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